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send us your prayer requests
invite a sister to preach or speak to your church
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Sign up on our mailing list to receive our newsletter, notice of new blog posts on this website, and special announcements from the Order of Saint Helena. Here are recent issues:

Our guesthouse is closed but our chapel is open for private prayer during the day and you are welcome to attend our chapel services:
7:30 am Matins and Eucharist
12:00 noon Diurnum
5:00 pm Vespers
7:00 pm Compline
Sunday Eucharist is on Saturday at 5:00 pm.
No Eucharist on Saturday morning.
No services on Monday or Tuesday.
More information contact:

Those who wish to establish a special relationship with us for deepening their spiritual life may apply to become an associate of the Order. For more information, email us:
You may have a sense that you are being called to dedicate yourself more fully to God, to a simpler style of living, and to Christian community. If you would like to discern a vocation to religious life, please contact us at

Gift Shop
Our gift shop includes books by sisters and craft items made by sisters.
For more information, please contact us at
Recent Books Written by OSH Sisters
The L Dimension: a World to Free, by Ellen Stephen, OSH (Asheville TN: United Writers Press, 2024) ISBN 978-1-961813-45-8. Available from
The Reason Why Crows in African Countries Have White Color, by Rosina Ampah, OSH (Houston, TX: Saint Julian Press, Inc., 2022) ISBN 13-9781955194105. Available from and Barnes & Noble.
Pinpoints of Light, by Benedicta, OSH. (North Augusta, SC: Order of Saint Helena, 2020) ISBN 9798693747166. Available from
You Really Want to Know? A Spiritual Love Story, by Ellen Stephen, OSH. ISBN-13: 978-1720769323. Available from
The Poet’s Eye: Collected Poetry, by Ellen Stephen, OSH (Palo Alto CA: Academica Press, 2012). ISBN: 978-1-936320-51-6. Available from
Some Antics, by Ellen Stephen, OSH (The Order of Saint Helena, 2012).
The Beautiful Cloth: Stories & Proverbs of Ghana, by The Rev. Canon Rosina Ampah, OSH (Cambridge MA: Yellow Moon Press, 2010). ISBN: 978-0-938756-76-7. Available from In 2013, this book received a “Storytelling World Honor” as an outstanding collection.
Together and Apart: A Memoir of the Religious Life, by Sr. Ellen Stephen, OSH (New York NY: Church Publishing, 2008). ISBN: 97-8-08192-2315-9. Available from
Vessel of Peace: A Guide for Pilgrims of the Spirit, by Sr. Ellen Stephen, OSH and Doug Shadel (Nashville TN: Abingdon Press, 2007). ISBN 978-0-687-64255-7. Available from
Soulfaring: Celtic Pilgrimages Then and Now, by Sr. Cintra Pemberton (Harrisburg, Pa.: Morehouse Publishing, 1999). ISBN 9780819217806. Available from